macroScript RelinkBitmaps category:"ColinScripts" tooltip:"Relink Bitmaps" ( /* Relinking Bitmaps Script written by Colin Senner - for Arnold Imaging, Kansas City, MO NOTE: Versions 1.13 and Higher - If "Ignore case" is selected due to the nature of 3dsmax versions 9 and lower, the script will execute slower. Starting with the AVG extentions in max 2008, there is an added native string uppercase solution replacing stricmp and a custom function utilizing findItem, which results in faster execution. To keep this script compatible I've left out the max2008 avg extentions till more people catch on to 2008. version 1.14 - Support for finding Environment Background Images added version 1.13 - Added "ignore case" option - Added USER EDITABLE VARIABLES - Allows the user to better customize the default values */ --****************************************************************************************-- -- USER EDITABLE VARIABLES - for more customized usage -- turn the below to true to enable undo support for the script execution global uev_default_Undo_on = false -- turn the below to true to change the default setting for the Ignore Case checkbox global uev_default_Ignore_case_on = false -- Change the below to reflect your preferred default browsing directory instead of it always opening to C:\ -- NOTE: replace \ (back slashes) with / (forward slashes), so to change your default browsing directory from -- So in explorer "C:\Temp" becomes "C:/Temp" global uev_default_Browse_Directory = "C:/" -- turn the below to false to change the default setting for Recursive Searches global uev_default_Recursive_Search_on = true --****************************************************************************************-- -- DO NOT MODIFY BELOW THIS LINE !!! -- Closes the previous one if the script is run more than once if rf != undefined then closeRolloutFloater rf -- Rollout Definition global rf -- Rollout Floater - Main global rlt_Main -- Rollout Main - Missing Bitmaps Window toggle global rlt_Missing -- Rollout Missing - holds the information about missing bitmaps global rlt_QuickPaths -- Rollout Quick Paths - allows the user to save and get paths stored global rlt_Search -- Rollout Search - holds the search information for the user to pick where to search global rlt_AddQuickPath -- Rollout AddQuickPath - Rollout that allows the user to add a new quickpath -- Variables Definition global missingMaps=#() -- Holds the filenames of the missingMaps - index matches missingMapsObjs global missingMapsObjs=#() -- Holds the objects which are missing maps - index matches missingMaps global pathsToSearch=#() -- Holds the paths the user wants to search global interactiveModeOn=false -- Holds the state of InteractiveMode global iniFile=scriptsPath+"quickpaths.ini" -- Holds the ini filename, saved in the max scripts directory -- Function Definition global closeRollout -- closes rollouts gracefully global openRollout -- opens rollouts gracefully global openRolloutNextTo -- opens rollouts next to others global getMissingMaps -- retreives missing maps via getClassInstances() function, used only for InteractiveMode OFF global getMissingMapsObjs -- retreives missing maps via enumerateFiles() function, used only for InteractiveMode ON global getDirsRecursive -- gets an array of recursive directories global getDirectoryFiles -- gets an array of files in directories global getPathsToSearch -- returns the array of all the paths the user wants to search global addmapObj -- called during enumerateFiles() global trim_dups -- two arrays a b, searches array a for duplicates and deletes them in both arrays a b global trim_dupsOne -- array a, searches array a for duplicates and deletes them global lowercase -- converts strings to all lowercase global relinkMaps -- Main function for relinking the bitmaps global uppercase -- Function for converting to uppercase ---------------- Functions ------------------- fn closeRollout rlt = ( if then destroyDialog rlt ) fn openRollout rlt thewidth theheight = ( if == false then createDialog rlt width:thewidth height:theheight ) fn openRolloutNextTo sRlt dRlt thewidth theheight = ( if == false then ( local theposx = rf.pos.x local theposy = rf.pos.y local thenewposx = (sRlt.width+27)+theposx createDialog dRlt width:thewidth height:theheight pos:[thenewposx,theposy] ) ) fn uppercase instring = ( local upper, lower, outstring upper="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" lower="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" outstring=copy instring for i=1 to outstring.count do ( j=findString lower outstring[i] if (j != undefined) do outstring[i]=upper[j] ) outstring -- value will be returned as function result ) -- end of fn uppercase fn getDirsRecursive root = ( if root != "" then ( dir_array = GetDirectories (root+"/*") for d in dir_array do join dir_array (GetDirectories (d+"/*")) return dir_array ) return undefined ) -- Used for InteractiveMode OFF -- fn getMissingMaps = ( local mapfiles = #() local mapfileN = #() local mBitmaps = getClassInstances BitmapTexture -- gets all bitmapTextures in the scene mapfiles = mBitmaps -- copies the array instance to "mapfiles" for m in mapfiles do ( -- for every bitmap texture in the scene if (isProperty m #filename) then ( -- that has a #filename property if m.filename != "" then ( -- that isn't blank if not (doesFileExist m.filename) then -- if it doesn't exist, add to the array mapfileN append mapfileN m.filename ) ) ) -- 1.14 Environment Background Edit if (not(doesFileExist(backgroundImageFilename))) then append mapfileN backgroundImageFilename ---------------------------------------- trim_dupsOne mapfileN mapfileN -- returns the new array of only missing bitmaptextures ) -- Used for InteractiveMode ON -- fn getMissingMapsObjs = ( missingMapsObjs=#() missingMaps=#() -- called for enumerateFiles() fn addmapObjs map obj = ( append missingMapsObjs obj -- adds the object that has a missing map to the array missingMapsObjs append missingMaps map -- adds the map that is missing to the array missingMaps ) rlt_Missing.pb_interactiveModeLoading.visible = true for i = 1 to objects.count where objects[i].material != undefined do ( -- cycle through the scene objects rlt_Missing.pb_interactiveModeLoading.value = 100.*i/objects.count enumerateFiles objects[i] addmapObjs objects[i] #missing -- find missing maps ) trim_dups missingMapsObjs missingMaps -- trim the duplicates from missingMapsObjs and also missingMaps rlt_Missing.pb_interactiveModeLoading.value = 0 rlt_Missing.pb_interactiveModeLoading.visible = false --print "getMissingMapsObjs() completed" missingMaps -- return the array of only missing bitmaptextures ) -- Gets the paths the user wants to search for textures fn getPathsToSearch = ( pathsToSearch = #() if rlt_Search.edt_manualSearch.text != "" then append pathsToSearch rlt_Search.edt_manualSearch.text local lsel = (rlt_QuickPaths.lst_QuickPaths.selection as array) if lsel.count != 0 then ( for i = 1 to lsel.count do append pathsToSearch rlt_QuickPaths.lst_QuickPaths.items[lsel[i]] ) pathsToSearch ) fn getDirectoryFiles = ( local dir_arr = #() local file_arr = #() rlt_Search.lbl_pb.caption = "Getting Directories" pathsToSearch = getPathsToSearch() if (rlt_Search.chk_recursiveSearching.checked) then ( for p in pathsToSearch do ( if (local arr = getDirsRecursive p) != undefined then join dir_arr arr ) ) join dir_arr pathsToSearch rlt_Search.pb_bar.value = 60 rlt_Search.lbl_pb.caption = "Getting Files" for d in dir_arr do ( if d[d.count] != "\\" and d[d.count] != "/" then d += "\\" try ( local tmp_files = getFiles (d + "*.*") if tmp_files.count != 0 then join file_arr tmp_files ) catch ( messageBox ("Could not get files from: " + d + "*.*") title:"Error" beep:true ) ) rlt_Search.pb_bar.value = 80 file_arr ) -- Finds duplicates in array A, and deletes them in both a and b fn trim_dups a b = ( for i in a.count to 1 by -1 do ( idx = findItem a a[i] if (idx != 0) AND (idx != i) do ( deleteItem a i deleteItem b i ) ) a ) -- Finds duplicates in array A, and deletes them in in A fn trim_dupsOne a = ( for i in a.count to 1 by -1 do ( idx = findItem a a[i] if (idx != 0) AND (idx != i) do deleteItem a i ) a ) -- Relinking Function fn relinkMaps = ( local mapfiles = #() local mapfilesMissing = #() local file_arr_filename = #() st = timestamp() rlt_Search.lbl_pb.caption = "Getting used Bitmaps" local mBitmaps = getClassInstances BitmapTexture -- 1.14 Environment Background Edit if (not(doesFileExist(backgroundImageFilename))) then append mBitmaps backgroundImageFilename ---------------------------------------- rlt_Search.pb_bar.value = 5 format "getClassInstances() completed in [% ms]\n" (timestamp()-st) mapfiles = mBitmaps st = timestamp() local file_arr = getDirectoryFiles() -- contains the paths of found files format "getDirectoryFiles() completed in [% ms]\n" (timestamp()-st) st = timestamp() rlt_Search.lbl_pb.caption = "Getting Missing Maps" local missingMaps = getMissingMaps() -- Missing Map names rlt_Search.pb_bar.value = 100 format "getMissingMaps() completed in [% ms]\n" (timestamp()-st) rlt_Search.pb_bar.value = 0 -- stores just the filename of the missing files in the array file_arr_filename if not(rlt_Search.chk_ignoreCase.checked) then ( for i in file_arr do append file_arr_filename (filenameFromPath i) ) else ( -- Stores an only uppercase version of the filename for i in file_arr do append file_arr_filename (uppercase (filenameFromPath i)) ) st = timestamp() if (rlt_Search.chk_undoOn.checked) then ( -- if Undo is on rlt_Search.lbl_pb.caption = "Relinking..." undo "Relink Textures" on ( with redraw off ( for i=1 to mapfiles.count do ( -- for all bitmapTextures in the scene if (isProperty mapfiles[i] #filename) then ( -- that have a #filename property -- curFile will equal it's exact name or a full uppercase name depending on the status of the checkbox chk_ignoreCase if not(rlt_Search.chk_ignoreCase.checked) then local curFile = filenameFromPath mapfiles[i].filename else local curFile = uppercase (filenameFromPath mapfiles[i].filename) if (index = findItem file_arr_filename curFile) != 0 then -- check if the current file is missing mapfiles[i].filename = file_arr[index] -- Relinks the current file to the found file ) rlt_Search.pb_bar.value = 100.*i/mapfiles.count ) -- 1.14 Environment Background Edit if (not(doesFileExist(backgroundImageFilename))) then ( for i=1 to mapfiles.count do ( if not(rlt_Search.chk_ignoreCase.checked) then local curFile = filenameFromPath (mapfiles[i] as string) else local curFile = uppercase (filenameFromPath (mapfiles[i] as string)) if (index = findItem file_arr_filename curFile) != 0 then backgroundImageFilename = file_arr[index] -- Relink the background ) ) ) ) ) else if not (rlt_Search.chk_undoOn.checked) then ( rlt_Search.lbl_pb.caption = "Relinking..." with redraw off ( for i=1 to mapfiles.count do ( if (isProperty mapfiles[i] #filename) then ( -- curFile will equal it's exact name or a full uppercase name depending on the status of the checkbox chk_ignoreCase if not(rlt_Search.chk_ignoreCase.checked) then local curFile = filenameFromPath mapfiles[i].filename else local curFile = uppercase (filenameFromPath mapfiles[i].filename) if (index = findItem file_arr_filename curFile) != 0 then -- check if the current file is missing mapfiles[i].filename = file_arr[index] -- Relinks the current file to the found file ) rlt_Search.pb_bar.value = 100.*i/mapfiles.count ) -- 1.14 Environment Background Edit if (not(doesFileExist(backgroundImageFilename))) then ( for i=1 to mapfiles.count do ( if not(rlt_Search.chk_ignoreCase.checked) then local curFile = filenameFromPath (mapfiles[i] as string) else local curFile = uppercase (filenameFromPath (mapfiles[i] as string)) if (index = findItem file_arr_filename curFile) != 0 then backgroundImageFilename = file_arr[index] -- Relink the background ) ) ) ) format "Relink Textures() completed in [% ms]\n" (timestamp()-st) rlt_Search.lbl_pb.caption = "Done" ) ---------------- Rollouts ------------------- rollout rlt_Main "Missing Bitmaps Window" ( button btn_Find "Missing Bitmaps" on rlt_Main open do ( clearListener() openRolloutNextTo rlt_Main rlt_Missing 450 425 ) on rlt_Main rolledUp isRolled do ( if isRolled then rf.size.y = 480 else rf.size.y = 445 ) on rlt_Main moved xy do SetDialogPos rlt_Missing [xy.x+313, xy.y] on rlt_Main close do ( closeRollout rlt_Missing closeRollout rlt_AddQuickPath ) on btn_Find pressed do ( if then closeRollout rlt_Missing else openRolloutNextTo rlt_Main rlt_Missing 450 425 = false rf.size.y = 445 ) ) rollout rlt_Missing "Maps" ( button btn_interactiveMode "" label lbl_doubleClickInfo "" label lbl_rightClickInfo "" progressBar pb_interactiveModeLoading color:blue visible:false multilistbox lst_MissingMaps "Missing Maps" width:420 height:20 edittext edt_missingPath "" width:420 button btnUpdate "Update" button btnOutputList "Output List" offset:[175,-26] -- Updates the captions and buttons for interactive Mode based on it's current state -- calls UpdateMissingBitmaps() fn updateInteractiveMode = ( if not interactiveModeOn then ( btn_interactiveMode.caption = "Turn Interactive Mode ON" lbl_doubleClickInfo.caption = "" lbl_rightClickInfo.caption = "Double-click on a map to view its full path" ) else ( btn_interactiveMode.caption = "Turn Interactive Mode OFF" lbl_doubleClickInfo.caption = "Click on a map to select the object it is assigned to." lbl_rightClickInfo.caption = "Double-click on a map to isolate the object it is assigned to." ) lst_MissingMaps.items = #("***** LOADING MISSING BITMAPS ***** This may take a moment...") rlt_Search.lbl_pb.caption = "LOADING BITMAPS - please wait..." rlt_Search.lbl_pb.caption = "" if (not then = true else rlt_Missing.updateMissingBitmaps() ) on rlt_Missing open do updateInteractiveMode() on rlt_Missing resized size do ( lst_MissingMaps.width = (rlt_Missing.width-10) ) on rlt_Missing close do ( = true -- rolls up and down the rollout rf.size.y = 480 ) on btn_interactiveMode pressed do ( if objects.count > 250 then ( if not(interactiveModeOn) then ( if queryBox "Interactive mode can take a moment to load on large scenes.\nDo you wish to enable it?" beep:false then ( interactiveModeOn = not interactiveModeOn updateInteractiveMode() ) ) else ( interactiveModeOn = not interactiveModeOn updateInteractiveMode() ) ) else ( interactiveModeOn = not interactiveModeOn updateInteractiveMode() ) ) on btnOutputList pressed do ( if (f = getSaveFileName caption:"Save as" filename:("C:\\"+(substring maxFileName 1 (maxFilename.count-4))+"_MissingBitmaps.txt") types:"Text(*.txt)") != undefined then ( local mBitmaps = getClassInstances BitmapTexture -- gets all bitmapTextures in the scene local mapFile = #() for m in mBitmaps do ( -- for every bitmap texture in the scene if (isProperty m #filename) then ( -- that has a #filename property if m.filename != "" then ( -- that isn't blank if not (doesFileExist m.filename) then -- if it doesn't exist, add to the array mapfileN append mapFile m ) ) ) -- Formatting the output of the print fs = openFile f mode:"w" for m in mapFile do format "% - %\n" m.filename to:fs close fs ) ) on btnUpdate pressed do rlt_Missing.updateMissingBitmaps() -- Function for updating the missing Bitmaps, does it differently if in Interactive Mode or not on rlt_Missing updateMissingBitmaps do ( st = timestamp() if interactiveModeOn then missingMaps = getMissingMapsObjs() -- missingMaps stores what is displayed in the listbox for Missing Maps, InteractiveMode ON else missingMaps = getMissingMaps() -- gets the missing maps in the scene faster via this method, InteractiveMode OFF format "updateMissingBitmaps - completed in [% ms]\n" (timestamp()-st) lst_MissingMaps.items = missingMaps -- puts it in the listbox ) -- if interactiveMode is on, and the user selects a map, it will select the object it is assigned to on lst_MissingMaps selected arg do ( if interactiveModeOn then ( max create mode clearSelection() for i in lst_MissingMaps.selection do ( local obj = missingMapsObjs[i] -- Make sure the Layer is unhidden if not(obj.layer.on) then obj.layer.on = true if (isValidNode obj) then selectmore obj else -- Scene has Changed, update rlt_Missing.updateMissingBitmaps() ) ) ) -- if interactiveMode is off, and the user double clicks a map, it will select the object it is assigned to and isolate it on lst_MissingMaps doubleClicked arg do ( if interactiveModeOn then ( max create mode local obj = missingMapsObjs[arg] -- Check if the obj is part of a group if obj.children.count > 0 then ( -- Loop through the children and open them for o in obj.children do ( if (isGroupHead o) then setGroupOpen o true ) ) -- Make sure the Layer is unhidden if not(obj.layer.on) then obj.layer.on = true if (isValidNode obj) then ( if Iso2Roll != undefined then Iso2Roll.C2Iso.changed true -- turns off Isolation mode, if it's on "Tools" "Isolate_Selection" ) else ( -- Scene has Changed, update rlt_Missing.updateMissingBitmaps() ) ) edt_missingPath.text = lst_missingMaps.items[arg] ) ) rollout rlt_QuickPaths "Quick Paths" ( multilistbox lst_QuickPaths "Saved Paths" height:10 button btn_selectAll "All" width:40 height:17 align:#left button btn_selectNone "None" width:40 height:17 offset:[-60,-22] button btn_addQuickPath "Add" width:40 height:17 align:#left offset:[170,-22] button btn_deleteQuickPath "Delete" width:40 height:17 offset:[110,-22] fn updateSavedPaths = ( if doesFileExist iniFile then ( local section = getINISetting iniFile "Paths" local keys = #() for i = 1 to section.count do append keys (getINISetting iniFile "Paths" section[i]) lst_QuickPaths.items = keys ) else ( print "INI File does not exist, creating one" try setINISetting iniFile "QuickPaths" "Created By" "Colin Senner" catch ( messageBox ("Could not Create the file: "+iniFile+"!") return false ) updateSavedPaths() ) ) fn remakeINIFile = ( if doesFileExist iniFile then ( local section = getINISetting iniFile "Paths" local keys = #() for i = 1 to section.count do append keys (getINISetting iniFile "Paths" section[i]) delIniSetting iniFile "Paths" -- Deletes all entries in the INI File for i = 1 to keys.count do setINISetting iniFile "Paths" (i as string) keys[i] ) else messageBox ("File: " + iniFile + " does not exist, try restarting the script.") ) fn updateRelinkButton = ( if (lst_QuickPaths.selection as array).count == 0 and rlt_Search.edt_manualSearch.text == "" then ( rlt_Search.btn_Relink.enabled = false ) else rlt_Search.btn_Relink.enabled = true ) on lst_QuickPaths selected arg do ( updateRelinkButton() ) on rlt_QuickPaths open do updateSavedPaths() on btn_addQuickPath pressed do ( openRollout rlt_AddQuickPath 370 45 updateSavedPaths() ) on btn_deleteQuickPath pressed do ( local selectedQuickPaths = lst_QuickPaths.selection as array if doesFileExist iniFile then ( local section = getINISetting iniFile "Paths" for i in selectedQuickPaths do delIniSetting iniFile "Paths" (i as string) remakeINIFile() ) else messageBox ("File: " + iniFile + " does not exist, try restarting the script.") updateSavedPaths() ) on btn_selectAll pressed do ( local tmp_arr = #() for i = 1 to lst_QuickPaths.items.count do tmp_arr[i] = i lst_QuickPaths.selection = tmp_arr updateRelinkButton() ) on btn_selectNone pressed do ( lst_QuickPaths.selection = #() updateRelinkButton() ) ) rollout rlt_AddQuickPath "Add Quick Path" ( edittext edt_AddQuickPath "" width:260 offset:[0,5] button btn_browseAddQuickPaths "..." width:24 height:20 offset:[105,-24] button btn_OkAddPath "Add" width:50 height:20 offset:[149,-25] on edt_AddQuickPath entered txt do ( btn_OkAddPath.pressed() ) on btn_browseAddQuickPaths pressed do ( local browseDirectory = getSavePath "Search Directory" initialDir:uev_default_Browse_Directory if browseDirectory != undefined then ( edt_AddQuickPath.text = browseDirectory ) ) on btn_OkAddPath pressed do ( if edt_AddQuickPath.text != "" then ( local section = getINISetting iniFile "Paths" local keys = #() for i = 1 to section.count do append keys (getINISetting iniFile "Paths" section[i]) setINISetting iniFile "Paths" (((section.count)+1) as string) edt_AddQuickPath.text rlt_QuickPaths.updateSavedPaths() closeRollout rlt_AddQuickPath ) else messageBox "Please enter or browse a new path to add." ) ) rollout rlt_Search "Search for Bitmap Paths" ( label lbl_manualSearchLabel "Search directory:" align:#left edittext edt_manualSearch "" width:220 offset:[-10,0] button btn_browseSearch "Browse" offset:[110,-23] checkbox chk_recursiveSearching "Recursive Subfolders" checked:uev_default_Recursive_Search_on checkbox chk_ignoreCase "Ignore case" checked:uev_default_Ignore_case_on offset:[130,-19] checkbox chk_undoOn "Undo Available" checked:uev_default_Undo_on visible:false offset:[0,-21] -- label lbl_undoOn "(NOTE: If Undo is Available the script will execute slower)" group "Bitmaps" ( button btn_Relink "Relink" enabled:false offset:[0,5] ) label lbl_pb "" align:#center offset:[0,15] label lbl_pbNum "" align:#right offset:[0,-18] progressbar pb_bar "" on chk_ignoreCase changed thestate do ( -- if thestate then messageBox "Ignoring case will result in slower script execution" beep:false ) on btn_browseSearch pressed do ( local browseDirectory = getSavePath "Search Directory" initialDir:uev_default_Browse_Directory if browseDirectory != undefined then ( edt_ManualSearch.text = browseDirectory btn_Relink.enabled = true ) ) on edt_ManualSearch changed txt do ( if txt != "" then btn_Relink.enabled = true else if (rlt_QuickPaths.lst_QuickPaths.selection as array).count == 0 then btn_Relink.enabled = false ) on btn_Relink pressed do ( sst = timestamp() if (local toSearch = getPathsToSearch()) != "" then ( interactiveModeOn = false max create mode RelinkMaps() rlt_Search.lbl_pb.caption = "Updating Missing Maps" rlt_Missing.updateInteractiveMode() rlt_Search.lbl_pb.caption = "" rlt_Search.pb_bar.value = 0 ) else messageBox "Please select a search directory" beep:false format "Total Time: [% ms]\n" (timestamp()-sst) ) ) ----------------- Floaters ------------------ rf = newRolloutFloater "Relink Bitmaps v1.14" 300 445 addRollout rlt_Main rf rolledUp:true addRollout rlt_QuickPaths rf addRollout rlt_Search rf )